This story, as originally reported by Dave Harper in Numismatic News, is the story of a 1918 Lincoln cent and its travels from the US to where it was found in Kuwait by Army Sgt. Jarrett Briscoe, who was stationed there.
Sgt. Briscoe asked Dave Harper to spend the 1918 Lincoln cent in the US, to ‘return it home’. All of us at Numismatic Society [] were moved by the story and felt that it shouldn’t end there.
As a result, we combined members and joined together to make this a truly memorable Memorial Day. So, in honor of Sgt Briscoe and all members of our Armed Fores, present and past, we decided to do something different.
On Memorial Day, May 30th, 2011, we are combining all of our efforts to have a ‘National Spend a 1918 Lincoln Cent Day.’
Our intent is to have a member of the forum spend a 1918 Lincoln cent spent in each of the 50 United States. In addition, so far we have been able to add Canada, Mexico and Puerto Rico to our tally.
If you are interested, please join us by signing up at ( and let us know what state you will spend your Lincoln Cent that day. Come, honor those who came before us. And help us to have one spent in every state of the Union.
Thank You,
The Administration, Moderators and Members of
- NumisSociety Members, please feel free to copy and paste this message and send it to your friends and family that you think woud like to participate!